Friday, June 29, 2007

Beijing to Chengdu

Early morning with bags out the door at 6 a.m. and breakfast. Have I mentioned how good breakfast is at the hotel? And then off to the airport. We found ourselves seated all over the plane. I had a seat with Andie but Mark was in row 12, Rogan I think 17 and Claire in 24, Evan with Jake in 20 and I was in 32. A nice gentleman traded with Claire so she could sit with me. Andie slept during the whole flight and when we landed I realized she was burning up. I am so glad I had my sling!
BTW, totally inappropriate in-flight movie. Once Chris told me it was 40 Year Old Virgin, I raced up front to where Rogan was sitting to tell him not to watch. Wow! Racy for a plane!
We collected our luggage,( except one piece which we found was on another plane and would be delivered to the hotel) and headed off to lunch. This time at a Traditional Medicine Restaurant. Another stunning meal. We have really been having amazing meals. We ate all of ours and then started eating some of the dishes the kids did not eat (they were at a table next to us)
Then off to the life we were meant to live. For $15 each, Jena, Mom and I had full body massages. Oh my. I thought of seeing if I could take this guy home with me. Amazing (although the sound was so funny when he started hitting my legs…slap, slap, slap, I started to laugh!). The rest of the gang including kids, except Andie, had a one hour foot massage.
On to the Embriodery Institue where we saw the traditional Chengdu embroidery (our guide, Lily, called it brocade. )We saw a display of this very type of embroidery in Raleigh a few years ago at a display fo Chinese arts. It takes two people to embroider on a huge machine; with one person sitting way atop and pulling strings to determine the pattern. It's very complicated (at least for me) to understand the mechanics of it) but the results are quite beautiful.
Then to the hotel. I was tired and stayed back with Evan and the others in my family headed down the road to Pizza Hut. A very American evening as Mark brought me a mocha frappuccino (sp?) from the Starbucks across the street (there are three within in a block of the hotel)
To bed in anticipation of seeing pandas in the morning.


Charlotte said...


Sounds your crew is having a wonderful time there ! Counting down the days til you go to the orphanage ! Oh, how I pray you get to see my girl !


Corinne said...

Looking forward to the panda pictures.